Posted by on Jan 12, 2013 in City Guides

This article describes Dubai City in detail. Its attractions, its mesmerizing sights, its infrastructural achievements, centers of entertainment, etc are some of the aspects discussed. Out of seven UAE countries, Dubai is the most popular and known for tourist attractions. From a population point of view, Dubai is placed top in Emirate countries. From land mass point of view also, Dubai is placed second.

Dubai has created architectural wonders and attained a prominent place in world for the wonders created by them. They are now in a process to acquire land from sea and create small islands in shape of palm trees. This is a unique idea and Dubai has gained immense popularity on account of this project.

The Government of Dubai is neither monarchy nor democracy in its truest sense. It is a mix of some types and is synergized with the concept of “Sheikhdom” or the “Kingdom of Sheikhs”.

Dubai has been ruled by a Sheikh family, the Al Maktoum Dynasty. At present, the ruler in Dubai is Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum. He is also the Prime Minister and UAE’s Vice President.

Dubai is famous for its oil and petroleum reserves. The scarcity of these natural reserves has been felt globally and consequently many developed countries have their eyes trained on Dubai for the supply of oil. Many people think that Dubai’s economy is based on its rich natural reserves, but this is not the fact. The economy of Dubai is dependent on manufacturing, trade, tourism and finance sectors. Revenues generated from oil and petroleum sectors are less than 10 %.

The general climate of Dubai is warm. Often it gets hot and humid making it unbearable. Sometimes temperature soars up to 100 degree Fahrenheit. Since it is a desert area, it is bound to be hot. In the months between January and March, there is little rain. This time the rain is light but during winters, the rainfall can be heavy. Sand storms are quite frequent here.

Summer months are very difficult to bear as the heat becomes unbearable. The climate and weather see many variations during the months of summer and winters. Tourists and other visitors coming to Dubai generally prefer winter season as one is more comfortable shopping, sight seeing, etc.

The culture of Dubai reflects diversity. The citizens of Dubai staying here are only 10%. Rest of the residents is basically immigrants who are settled here in search of jobs. Most of the immigrants hail from India, Pakistan and Iran.

Since people from diverse cultures, religions, countries, etc are settled here, its impact is reflected in the culture of Dubai as well. Dubai Shopping Festival is a very happening event organized on an annual basis. Over $4 million visitors visit Dubai during this time and the government is able to generate $1 B in revenues.